National Jr. Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society is a student organization with the purpose to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, develop character and to encourage good citizenship in the students of GSCS.
Each year GSCS National Junior Honor Society selects new incoming 6th - 8th grade members based on the following process:
Academic Achievement of an overall yearly average of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale at grade level, determines eligibility for consideration of membership
Once eligibility for consideration of membership is verified, letters of invitation to apply for membership are sent to students
Applications for membership are submitted by interested students and are evaluated by a selected committee of unnamed faculty
Selection of membership is based on the following criteria:
a. Service to the school, parish and community that is recorded and verified
b. Leadership roles and opportunities
c. Character/Integrity
d. Citizenship
An induction ceremony for new members is scheduled after a school Mass during Catholic School’s Week.
Throughout the school year NJHS participates in community service and fundraising efforts that benefit the parish and greater community.