Good Shepherd Catholic School is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando and is accredited through the Florida Catholic Conference. We follow Florida Sunshine Standards set by the Florida Department of Education.
Good Shepherd Catholic School teachers are certified by the State of Florida in the subject area in which they teach. More than half are products of Catholic education. Several hold advanced degrees.
Standards & Memberships
Good Shepherd Catholic School adheres to the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, a set of 70 benchmarks, published in 2012 by the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago, in partnership with Roche Center for Catholic Education, School of Education, Boston College, that measure the effectiveness and sustainability of a highly effective Catholic Schools.
Thirteen standards found within four domains -- Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality -- describe policies, programs, structures, and processes that should be present in Catholic schools. The 70 benchmarks provide observable, measurable criteria for each standard.
Good Shepherd Catholic School is a member of the National Catholic Education Association.