Admissions Process
Good Shepherd Catholic School (GSCS) admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, or athletic and other school-administered programs.
Priority for Admission
All families wishing to enroll students in GSCS are assigned an initial priority based upon prescribed criteria. The priority will be finalized after verification of the parish records, if applicable. Good Shepherd Early Learning Center (ELC) students receive top priority in each category. Priorities are listed below in decreasing order of acceptance:
All families with children enrolled in GSCS and in good standing with the school
All families of Good Shepherd Parish who are regular in Church attendance and envelope use as defined by the pastor
All families of neighboring Catholic parishes who have been approved by their pastors as supporting members of their parishes
All others by date of application and required documentation
Basic Requirement for Admission
PreK3 Admission: a child must be three years of age on or before September 1st of the academic year in which admission is sought.
PreK4 Admission: a child must be four years. of age on or before September 1st of the academic year in which admission is sought.
Kindergarten Admission: a child must be five years of age on or before September 1st of the academic year in which admission is sought.
1st Grade Admission: a child must be six years of age on or before September 1st of the academic year in which admission is sought and have completed a Kindergarten program.
New Student Admission: New students are conditionally accepted until the administration has received and approved transcripts. and records from the previously attended school(s), and the student has satisfactorily completed an academic screening.
Acceptance is finalized when the student’s initial report card from GSCS indicates satisfactory achievement and behavior. Failure to meet acceptable standards will be considered just cause for disenrollment.
Admission Procedure
Submit an application online for admission including the following documentation:
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of baptismal certificate (Catholics only)
Copy of most recent report card
Copy of final report card from the previous school year
Copy of most recent standardized test results (FSA for Florida schools)
Teacher Referral (via email)
One needed for grades 1-5
Three needed for grades 6-8
Copy of testing for exceptional student services (gifted, learning disabilities, speech, IEP or 504 documents, etc.)
State of Florida required health forms (any exemptions must be approved by the Office of Schools Diocese of Orlando)
Student Physical Examination, FL DH 3040 (within one year of school entry)
Florida Certificate of Immunization, FL DH 680
Review of Application by Administration
Academic screening: Once the application and required documentation has been reviewed, an appointment is made for academic screening appropriate for the grade level.
Acceptance: Once all requirements have been met, acceptance notification will be made.
Enrollment: Once child is accepted, an offer will be made to Enroll and pay the enrollment fee reserving a space for the academic school year applied for.
Enroll online in the FACTS Tuition Program for payment of tuition.