A Message From Principal Rangel
Catholic Education is a commitment to academic excellence and a faith-filled supportive environment. My goal is to build on the success of Good Shepherd Catholic School; spiritually, academically, and physically.
I want to emphasize faith at Good Shepherd Catholic School. This is the most important aspect of our school. Allowing children to accept their differences and treat each other as individual gifts from God. Without Faith, personal successes and achievements have little relevance. With it, you realize that your successes and achievements are not only for you, but for God and should be shared with others.
The academic progress of Good Shepherd is certainly important and not taken lightly. Good Shepherd has high standards and encouraging children to reach their maximum potential and beyond will be a primary goal. I plan to encourage all faculty and staff to teach the individual child, while using best practices, updated resources and technology.
I plan to continue collaboration with the Diocese and Parish to ensure safety and security procedures. We will work as a team to make sure each child is safe.
I am privileged and humbled to serve Good Shepherd Catholic School as Principal. I feel my role is to serve the community and provide an education that goes beyond the classroom by developing life-long learners and faith-filled followers of Christ.
In Christ’s Love,
Melissa Rangel
(407) 277-3973